Hi, you can try one of the natural treatments available on the market (just google ';natural treatment of scalp psoriasis';) Some of them do actually work. For my scalp psor. I use herbal cream by Champori quite successfully. It takes just a couple of weeks to clear the spots and they then stay clear for months on end.
Try it: Champori comes with money back guarantee so if it doesn't work - it's free.
StellaWhat is the best shampoo for scalp Psoriasis?
The main cause of psoriasis is overreaction of the immune system. I try to eat healthy food and avoid stress as much as I can in order to prevent flare-ups.
After using number of prescription drugs I've turned to the natural treatments.
Now I use for my plaque psoriasis herbal remedies from serenaskin.com, which aim at the root of the disease - the immune system, and are steroid-free.
After about 2 weeks of using ointment and spray my skin has been cleared up and now I just continue with anti-psoriasis extract, which controls the immune system. My skin has been clear for months now.
It is the only treatment I have found that provides me complete relief when I use it as directed.
Try one of these organic, all natural soap and shampoo bars. You can use the soap bars to wash your hair as well. It will neutralize your scalp psoriasis on first application. My friend has Psoriasis all over and this soap neutralized his entire body (no flakes, no itching). They will give you free sample to try if you like just to get the word around.
I had the same problem of you for about 2 years so i know what a problem it is a friend gave me this link and there was great results so i decided to help other people who have the same problem of mine just visit this link and trust me and i hope you can get rid of it:
you cant
ive had psoriasis on my scalp for over 7years
iv tried every shampoo and soulution available.
they onlt calm it down for a few days then it comes back as it gets used to the solution/shampoo
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