Thursday, January 7, 2010

Can someone recommend a good shampoo to clean the scalp.?

i dont have dandruff but I seem to get alot of dead skin or dried shampoo on my scalp. I know it sounds gross and I just called my hair salon I go to and she suggested Paul Mitchell number 3? Anyone use it?Can someone recommend a good shampoo to clean the scalp.?
Paul Mitchell works well.Can someone recommend a good shampoo to clean the scalp.?
You can use any shampoo with tea tree oil init. You can usually find it at any beauty supply store.
Neutragena - it's main purpose is to clean the scalp.
head and shoulders works great even if you dont have dandruff!!! they recently came out with all new kinds..
Head and Shoulders. or yes, paul mitchell works great!! good luck
You need Malibu2000 's shampoo called UN DOO GOO, besides the funny name the shampoo itself is a perfect once-a-week shampoo. iT DOES GET RID OF ALL SORTS OF UNUSUAL goops and grimes....


if flaky skin is your sounds like what you need is oil.... get yourself either some sesame..or avocado oil.....(if possible - add a 1/4 teaspoon of both lavender %26amp; rosemary essnetial oils

rub mixture into scalp and let sit on there for at least 30 minutes

one treatment will get rid of it...

I'm fairly certain....if not the first one...the second will

I would do the malibu2000 on WEdnesdays

and the Oil pack..........on Sundays....and you will be healed....

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